Our mission at Borman & Company is to help our clients be good stewards of innovation. Contributing to Borman & Company’s effectiveness is the unique scientific and business networks of its team members including close relationships in industry, academia and with regulatory agencies such as the NIH. We constantly practice the habit of excellence through our focused team of subject matter experts - individuals with direct experience in your complex environment that will roll up their sleeves and work with you. We truly understand the needs of our clients, having sat on the other side of the table. Whether in the tech transfer office of a university or medical center, we have been accountable for intellectual property management and understand the demands and challenges that go along with the responsibility.
Our approach to any engagement applies at the inflexion points of innovation on the path from discovery to commercialization.
The types of questions we help our clients with include:
What is the problem to be solved?
How will we fund the research?
Do we go it alone or with partners?
How significant is this idea?
What is the context in the IP landscape?
Do we need to rethink the invention?
IP Protection
Can we compete technologically?
What is the nature of the market opportunity?
What is the appropriate intellectual property protection?
Do we need a delivery partner?
What’s the structure? (license, newco, partnership, acquisition)
What is the go-to-market plan?
As an invention works its way through these inflexion points, Borman & Company will advise and structure the nuts and bolts processes - finance, data, systems, regulatory - that support the journey. We also recognize the need to educate staff and key partners in new procedures and technical systems usage so that we leave every client team better able to manage the workflow that drives innovation.
Clients Say
"What has always impressed me about Nikki Borman is that she understands how all the pieces fit together in a complex organization yet always has the vision for where the business is going. She moves easily between a high level view and the tactical details, that involve the finance, technology and systems, to get the institution where it needs to be.”
Irene Abrams
Senior Director, Technology & Innovation Development Office
Boston Children’s Hospital