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For Corporate Clients

  • Spearheaded the commercialization of complex heart-monitoring
    technology addressing business structure, and proper commercialization paths such as partnering, start-up creation or out licensing.  As a result our client was able to pursue the most advantageous path and avoid costly dead-ends.


  • Led a global open innovation conference for a leading developer and manufacturer of scientific instruments and medical devices. The goal was to bring together key researchers and scientists from around the world to foster a greater appreciation for embracing new ideas from all sources and nurture the values of open innovation. To carry forward the work of Borman & Company, the client pushed ahead to formalize open innovation as a functional area and launched an international initiative to accelerate open innovation.


  • Developed a management, governance and evaluation matrix for one of the world’s top medical device companies to capture innovation, invention and strategic advisory contributions from internal and external innovation collaborators. This matrix positioned the company to effectively track, attribute, , value, and substantiate how physicians were selected to participate in the innovation process, while at the same time complying with strict government and regulatory requirements for the industry. 


  • Applied Six Sigma methodologies for one of the top consulting entities in the world to improve their assessment of potential business partners, clients and other risk-management practices.  Delivered $16M in savings to the company and improved the process from a two to a four Sigma value.

Blog Post

Open Innovation in the Idea Factory


Why is research dying in the private sector? Is there any “R” left in R&D? Although we've certainly seen a decline in recent years, those researchers and scientists left in the private sector appear to have battened down the hatches.

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