5 Things to Know About the New iEdison

It’s been two months since the launch of the new iEdison reporting system at which time the responsibility for compliance reporting moved from NIH to NIST. As we support our clients with the new Bayh-Dole reporting system we learn more every day about important differences between the old and new systems. NIST has provided comprehensive training (we encourage all administrators to attend) and is working to respond to specific questions directed to their website.
The AUTM University training in Baltimore this fall brought together a NIST iEdison Specialist and a panel of beta users. This session offered attendees the opportunity to ask questions about the new system and exchange information and experiences with the new procedures. Here are five things we learned that may be helpful to you in navigating the new system.
1. USPTO data integration with published patent applications
When a patent application or patent reported into iEdison is published, iEdison’s integration with the USPTO will auto-populate and auto-update the following information:
· Patent Title
· Patent Application Filing Date
· Inventor(s)
· Issued Number
· Issued Date
· USPTO Status
· USPTO Status date
2. Ability to create links in patent tree
Link creation will be enabled and patents can be linked in the new system. A guide is available here.
3. Additional notifications that did not exist in the previous system are available through the communications sidebar
· Notifications – provides access to your full list of notifications. Also allows for search, sorting, and exporting of notifications
· Invention Discussion – provides access to all open (pending and/or not closed)
communications with contractors/awardees
· Requests – provides access to all requests. Also allows for searching of requests
4. Ability to create a draft invention record prior to submitting a disclosure
The new iEdison allows an organization to start creating an Invention Report even if you are not yet ready to submit it to the funding agency. As long as an “Invention Title” has been entered, you can save a DRAFT Invention Report, leave the system, gather additional information, and come back to complete and submit the report to the funding agency. A DRAFT report does NOT report your subject invention to the funding agency until it is officially submitted by clicking “Submit Invention Report” and confirmed.
5. Users and agencies are in transition due to continued training and adapting to the new system
NIST is actively seeking feedback from users during this transition period.
The important point to note here is that you as users of the new platform are essential to report technical issues with the new system as they are identified. NIST responds to emails promptly and posts the system bugs that have been fixed on their website on a weekly basis. We will continue to keep you updated on new developments and are happy to offer support in working with the new iEdison database.