The Strategic Value of Outsourcing Tech Transfer Operations

For all of us who are fortunate to be participants in the knowledge economy the pandemic has demonstrated a business reality that many already know – that we can successfully work remotely. Sure, work is done differently, more online meetings, more phone calls and texts in lieu of walking down the hall to ask a colleague a question. Regardless of the changes, our tasks get accomplished and customer and stakeholder expectations are met. We are successful. A healthy stock market is a macro indicator supporting this fact. By recognizing work can be done remotely, a new outsourcing playbook becomes available for managing the operations of a technology transfer office.
A technology transfer office’s core mission is to support inventors, secure patents, and collaborate with companies. Doing these three things with excellence is the goal of every office. What is not a required core competency is expertise in TTO business operations. Borman & Company provides expert operations services to technology transfer offices large and small; iEdison compliance is the common thread. From there we branch out to provide technology, agreement, patent, financial, and database management. For technology marketing we collaborate with an innovative company that utilizes a data driven approach to technology transfer. By leveraging our expertise in managing TTO business processes our clients have been able to focus staff on tasks supporting their core mission, all the while knowing that their office operations are running smoothly. This is the strategic value outsourcing offers a technology transfer office.